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Previously NHS Health Scotland

Adult Exposure Study (Health Education Population survey - HEPS): contacts

Sally Haw

Sally Haw (Principal Investigator)
Formerly: Principal Public Health Advisor, NHS Health Scotland, then seconded as Senior Scientific Advisor to the Scottish Collaboration for Public Health Research and Policy (SCPHRP)
Currently: Professor of Public Health & Population Health
School of Nursing, Midwifery & Health
University of Stirling

Sally Haw joined the Scottish Collaboration for Public Health Research and Policy (SCPHRP) as Senior Scientific Advisor in October 2008. Jointly funded by the Scottish Government and the Medical Research Council, the collaboration has been set up to build capacity to develop and evaluate novel public health policies, programmes and interventions. Prior to her move, Sally was Principal Public Health Advisor with NHS Health Scotland, the national agency for health improvement. Sally´s own specialist area is substance misuse (tobacco, alcohol and drugs). Recent work includes the development of an alcohol research strategy for Scotland and the development and coordination of the national evaluation of Scotland´s smoke-free legislation. In 2011, Sally became Professor of Public Health & Population Health at the University of Stirling-see Sally Haw-Stirling University (external link)

Back to details of the HEPS study

Sally Malam
Formerly of: British Market Research Bureau
Ealing, London

Ruth Gosling
Formerly of: British Market Research Bureau
Ealing, London

Updated 21st July 2014

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