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Publication name: Healthyliving award: Awareness and insight gathering - Market research
Date: 11 May 2015
Description: The Healthy Living Award (HLA) works with food service outlets across Scotland to promote healthy eating, providing caterers with recognition for good practice.

Main aims of research
The main aims of the research were to establish an initial national measure of awareness of the award, and gather insights from key target audiences to inform the development of future HLA marketing plans.

The results
The results showed limited levels of awareness of the HLA, with variation across the different sectors. Among those who claimed some awareness of the brand, the majority had little understanding of the operation and benefits of the scheme.

The research found that there’s a role for marketing communications to raise awareness of the HLA and increase its profile and standing within the catering sector.

There’s also a requirement to highlight the award’s relevance to caterers, and increase its perceived achievability, credibility and value.
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