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Previously NHS Health Scotland

Tobacco publications

Sky with clouds 1

Tobacco publications for the public:

How to stop smoking and stay stopped

A booklet for smokers who are seriously thinking about stopping smoking.

I-Quit - Stopping smoking when you're pregnant

This booklet gives information about stopping smoking when you are pregnant. 

For health professionals:

A guide to smoking cessation in Scotland 2010
This guide contains three documents: ´Helping smokers to stop - Brief interventions´, ´Planning and providing specialist smoking cessation services´ and a ´Brief intervention flowchart´.

Smoke-free in mental health services in Scotland - Implementation Guidance (2011)
The Guidance will clearly articulate the benefits behind the drive for a change to smoke-free and the expectation that NHS Boards will implement smoke-free policies in mental health services.

A statement from the State Hospital in support of smoke-free mental health settings can also be viewed via the link above.  The State Hospital introduced a total smoke free environment in December 2011 after a period of consultation and planning.

Evidence briefings

Evidence briefings provide a summary of the best available evidence in the field of tobacco.  The briefings also provide a short commentary on relevant Scottish policy together with examples of what local implementation might look like.

For effectiveness evidence briefings in tobacco, look at the tobacco section at the bottom of the evidence briefings page.

Tobacco Control Profiles 2013

The Online Profiles Tool is able to display all of the data and outputs associated with each profile

View a complete list of all Tobacco publications for the public and health professionals

For publications enquiries email:

Updated 30 July 2014

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