NHS Health Scotland

Health Weight Evidence

Strategic Logic Model

2a:Decreased availability and affordability(exposure) of high energy food and drink

2b:Increased availability and affordability (exposure) to low energy dense options

3:Prioritised responsible promotion and marketing of healthy choices

4:Increased awareness, knowledge, skills & empowerment

5:Changed media environment and social norms

6:Improving Maternal and Infant Nutrition

7a:Promotion of active travel/active workplaces

7b: Built/natural environments (& active travel infrastructure)

7c:Physical Activity (early years, children and young people)

Strategic Logic Model

1 & 2. Rationale for an improved energy balance.

3. Rationale for controlled exposure to high energy foods

4. Rationale for increasing awareness, knowledge skills and empowerment

5.Rationale for improved healthy behaviours in early years

6. Rationale for increased access to opportunities for physical activity and enhanced/buildt environment

7. Rationale for changing the media environment and social norms.

2a. Decreased availability and affordability(exposure) of high energy food and drink

a: Decreased fat, sugar and salt content

b: Smaller portion sizes

c: Reduced fat content - meat and other animal products

d: Reduction in no. of fast food outlets near key community venues

e: Reduced sales of high energy products (settings)

f: Reduced affordability of high energy products

Model 2b: Increased availability and affordability (exposure) to low energy dense options

g: Increased prevalence and accessibility of retailers supplying a greater variety of healthy and affordable options

h: Improved accessibility of locally produced food e.g. fruit & vegetables.

i: More affordable and healthy options in schools, public buildings and workplace 

j: Reduced cost of healthy food and drink

Model 3: Prioritised responsible promotion and marketing of healthy choices

k: Changed exposure to high energy products

l: Labeling is available, understandable, consistent and accurate 

m: Public health is an explicit priority in all stages of food systems

Model 4: Increased awareness, knowledge, skills & empowerment

n: Identified needs and local solutions to healthy eating / active living

o: Increased motivation to take up healthy living opportunities

p1:Awareness and knowledge of key messages: General population

p2: Awaareness and knowledge of key messages: Workplace

p3: Awareness and knowledge of key messages: Schools and children and young people

q: Increased skills & confidence in production, preparation & purchase of raw materials

r: Identification & appropriate referral/ advice or self management

Model 5:  Changed media environment and social norms

s: Increased public awareness and attitudes (acceptability)

t: Public sector leadership

Model 6:Improving Maternal and Infant Nutrition

Improving maternal and infant nutrition

Model 7a:Promotion of active travel workplaces

Promotion of active travel workplaces

Model 7b;Built/natural environment (and active travel infrastructure)

Built/natural environment (and active travel infrastructure)

Model 7c: Physical activity (early years, children and young people)

Physical activity (early years, children and young people)



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