NHS Health Scotland



These healthy Weight tools are intended to support partners on key outcomes, how to achieve them and how to measure them. 

The Scottish Government Route Map for Preventing Overweight and Obesity in Scotland specifically mentions the outcomes framework as a key resource that will support and help local partners identify how their activities and outcomes will support Scotland’s longer term aspirations for healthy weight. 

Logic Models.

The technique of logic modelling was used to map out healthy weight outcomes and actions.  We use logic models In order to clarify which activities to do and which populations groups to target, and in what order to achieve  a desired outcome. Logic models also map out the time sequence in which the outcomes need to be achieved.

What criteria did we use to build the logic models

Evidence suggests that logic modelling is more useful if it involves engagement with key stakeholders, both to increase understanding and ownership of the models, and to bring in a range of expertise to their development. Stakeholder engagement (to date, predominantly undertaken with food and health networks) has helped to refine models and to gather feedback on utility of models for local practice

Sources of evidence

Highly processed evidence has been used to inform the development of the logic models in this outcomes framework.  We have gathered information about interventions and actions that may most plausibly influence outcomes for healthy weight. 

What key sources did we use?

Linking to Route Map actions

Actions from the Route Map and the Action Plan (Version 1) are detailed alongside summaries of the evidence.