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Publication name: Evaluation of quit4u
Date: 08 May 2012
Description: The report presents the key findings from an independent evaluation of quit4u, a two-year Scottish Government-sponsored national pilot smoking cessation scheme developed and led by NHS Tayside.

Quit4u combines structured behavioural support and pharmacotherapy with financial incentives for each week (up to a maximum of 12 weeks, spread over a potential 20 weeks) that participants remain quit, as verified by a carbon monoxide (CO) breath test. It was offered to all those living in deprived areas (DEPCATs 5, 6 or 7) of Dundee and aimed specifically to increase take-up of cessation support and quit rates among smokers in deprived areas.

Using a combination of quantitative and qualitative methods the evaluation
found that quit4u was associated with higher quit rates at one, three and 12 months compared with the average quit rates of other NHS cessation services in the rest of Scotland, after adjusting for baseline differences in the characteristics of participants, such as deprivation and smoking intensity. quit4u also represents a highly cost-effective use of NHS resources. The much higher levels of recorded ‘lost to follow-up’ in other smoking cessation services does, however, make it difficult to assess the exact size of the difference in quit rates between quit4u and other NHS smoking cessation services.

Elements of quit4u which contribute to the effectiveness of the model in engaging and supporting clients to quit successfully include; the use of CO tests, the use of (rolling) group support, high quality pharmacy support, greater use of varenicline (branded as Champix) and the use of financial incentives.
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