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Publication name: Monitoring and Evaluating Scotland’s Alcohol Strategy. Setting the Scene: Theory of change and baseline picture
Date: 17 March 2011
Description: NHS Health Scotland has been tasked by Scottish Government to lead the monitoring and evaluation of Scotland’s alcohol strategy.

This report sets the scene for this evaluation by describing the current strategy, its Theory of Change and the evaluation plan. It then describes the baseline trends for alcohol consumption, alcohol affordability and alcohol-related harms. The appendices are contained in the second document.
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15580-Alcohol sales data Scotland and England Wales 1994-2009.xls   [81.5 KB]

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15580-MESASsettingTheSceneReport.pdf   [446.22 KB]

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15580-reportAppendixAndGlossary.pdf   [241.57 KB]

English language version

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