NHS Health Scotland
Outcome Indicators


p. Evidence for alcohol workplace policies


No evidence of effective interventions is currently available from the defined sources.

Scottish policy note

The recent alcohol policy framework; ‘Changing Scotland's Relationship with Alcohol: A Framework for Action’ (2009) outlined continuing work partners to develop and promote workplace alcohol policies, noting that the workplace can be a key point of connection with individuals in the promotion of a healthier relationship with alcohol. The Scottish Government and Alcohol Industry Partnership and the Scottish Centre for Healthy Working Lives have already led to the development of a model workplace alcohol policy that organisations can adapt for their own use (www.infoscotland.com/alcohol . They also commit to now taking this to the next level by seeking to apply more proactive management-led workplace programmes on tackling alcohol misuse, starting from within Scottish Government, with a view to rolling out action across the public sector and encouraging similar action in the private sector.