This website is now part of Public Health Scotland. Publications released after 16 March 2020 are now published on the Public Health Scotland website.
Improving health
Previously NHS Health Scotland

An important final stage in the process of planning and implementing changes to policy and practice is to share what you have learned.

Colleagues or professionals who are planning services will learn from your experience and know which elements have worked well.

To do this effectively you should think about

  • who might be interested in or benefit from your learning
  • what you can share with them, e.g. data, recommendations for actions, implementation barriers, facilitators
  • what format is most appropriate for your audience, e.g. a detailed report, a fact sheet, a Q and A session, a story, a case study, a short film.

You can share your learning by

  • telling us about it
  • presenting at a conference
  • delivering training sessions
  • getting involved in a community of practice
  • writing an article for a journal or a newsletter
  • sharing your knowledge through your website and using social media
  • talking to other organisations working in your area either through one-to-one contact or collectively through groups or forums.

Our Knowledge Services provide resources for any professional with an interest in reducing health inequalities.