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Improving health
Previously NHS Health Scotland

Design and deliver programme services - community engagement

This section provides information on reports, guidance and practical support available to highlight the impact of community-based activity on reducing health inequalities.

Scottish Briefings on NICE Public Health Guidance 9: Community Engagement: NHS Health Scotland has produced a commentary on the NICE guidance: Community Engagement (2009) to enable organisations and individuals in Scotland make use of the guidance.

Meeting the Shared Challenge: A Scottish Government funded programme that aimed to encourage and support community-led approaches to health improvement throughout Scotland. The programme came to an end in March 2010 but information about the programme, resources and publications are available on the Scottish Community Development Centre (external link) website.

Support for Community Engagement

VOiCE (external link)

VOiCE (Visioning Outcomes in Community Engagement) is planning and recording software that assists organisations to design and deliver effective community engagement. VOiCE will enable organisations to:

  • Reflect on what is trying to be achieved
  • Develop plans that relate to the purpose
  • Monitor progress in implementing the plan
  • Evaluate the process and outcomes
  • Learn lessons for future activity.

Practical support for community engagement is available on the following websites:

Reviewed 29 July 2014

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