Cervical Toolkit Quiz!

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    1. Women aged between 50 and 64 will be routinely offered cervical screening

    1. Every 3 years
    2. Every 5 years
    3. Every 10 years

    Cervical screening is routinely offered every three years to women aged between 25 and 49 years of age and every 5 years to women aged between 50 and 64. Women on non-routine screening (where screening results have shown changes that require further investigation/follow up) will be invited up to age 70 years.

    2. Cervical screening

    1. Saves around 5,000 lives in the UK every year
    2. Prevents 8 out of 10 cervical cancers from developing
    3. Both statements above

    Cervical screening provides a test that involves checking cells in the cervix (neck of the womb) and a Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) test, where appropriate. The test is designed to pick up any changes so they can be simply and effectively monitored or treated. Without treatment the changes can sometimes develop into cervical cancer.

    3. Cervical screening uptake is generally lower in the following groups

    1. Women living in areas of lowest deprivation
    2. Women with a learning or physical disability
    3. Heterosexual women

    There are many risk factors for cervical cancer, the main risk factor is women defaulting their cervical screening appointment. There are a number of reasons why uptake of cervical screening is declining in Scotland.

    4. How can you tailor engagement to encourage women who have never attended and women who are overdue an appointment?

    1. Sending a reminder text message or letter
    2. Raising the issue in conversation
    3. Both statements above

    Understanding who is not attending for screening, and why, is important when looking at methods to promote attendance.

    5. When it comes to the NHS Scottish Cervical Call Recall System (SCCRS)

    1. Every member of the team should use a separate password for the system and record their own smear taking
    2. If you don’t have a password or can’t access the system, someone else can record smear taking on your behalf
    3. All practice staff should be trained in the use of SCCRS and know how to use the system
    4. a and c

    SCCRS offers a single Scotland-wide database to support the Scottish Cervical Screening Programme. The system is used by a wide range of NHS staff.