NHS Health Scotland


Alcohol outcome indicators

Environment:People live in positive, health-promoting local environments where alcohol and drugs are less readily available.



Percentage of young people who have been offered drugs in the last year

Scottish Schools Adolescent Lifestyle and Substance Use Survey (SALSUS), Information Services Division (ISD)

Frequency : 2 years

Percentage of people perceiving drug misuse or dealing to be very or fairly common in their neighbourhood

Scottish Household Survey

Frequency : annual

Percentage of people spontaneously reporting‘alcohol abuse’ as a negative aspect of their neighbourhood

Scottish Household Survey

Frequency : annual

Number of premise and occasional licences in force per annum and the overall capacity of premises licences

Licensing Boards; routine returns of some data to the Scottish Government

Frequency : annual

Number of new applications for premises or occasional licences, and percentage refused on the grounds of overprovision

Licensing Boards; routine returns of some data to the Scottish Government

Frequency : annual



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