NHS Health Scotland
Alcohol outcome indicators


Alcohol and Drugs Partnerships (ADPs) were established to bring together health boards, local authorities, police and voluntary agencies, and are anchored in Community Planning Partnerships.

The Alcohol and Drugs Partnerships are responsible for developing local strategies to deliver the whole population approach at a local level and commissioning services which meet the needs of local people.

The Scottish Government has developed a set of seven core outcomes for Alcohol and Drugs Partnerships.

The Outcomes Framework for Alcohol is intended to support local areas to identify locally relevant outcomes and contributions to the National Performance Framework. As it was developed as part of work to inform the Scottish Government's consultation document, Changing Scotland's Relationship with Alcohol and the following Framework for Action, it pre-dates the publication of the seven core ADP outcomes and the language therefore differs slightly between them.

To assist ADPs with measuring progress towards these seven outcomes a set of core indicators has been identified.




Children affected by parental substance misuse/families

Community Safety





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