NHS Health Scotland
Outcome Indicators


7c. Physical activity (early years and children and young people)


Logic models had already been developed NHS Health Scotland and Greenspace to support outcome-focused approaches for physical activity.

Health Scotland physical activity models

Greenspace Physical Activity outcome-foussed approaches

Related actions from Route Map action plan – energy expenditure (2.13, 2.16, 2.17, 2.18, 2.19)

Divert young people away from crime and disorder by getting them involved in sporting activities through the CashBack for Communities Programme.

Providing and maintaining physical environments in every community that promote healthy lifestyles for children including opportunities for play, physical activity and healthy eating.

Working with sportscotland to ensure the provision of opportunities for all children and young people to participate in physical activity and sport and enabling the creation of pathways from the school to the wider community.

Working together to find realistic ways of maximising physical activity within the school environment

Developing curricular and non-curricular activities for children to gain the skills and confidence to enjoy more active lives, through Active Schools, Safe Routes to Schools and opportunities for outdoor learning


Related actions from Route Map action plan – early years (3.11, 3.12)

Supporting the third sector to increase opportunities for play through our investment in Inspiring Scotland's Go Play programme

Ensuring that nurseries and other childcare facilities minimise sedentary activities during playtime, and provide regular opportunities for enjoyable active play and structured physical activity sessions.