NHS Health Scotland
Outcome Indicators


s. Increased public awareness and attitudes (acceptability)


Promotion and marketing of healthy ways of life and emphasise news, features and campaigns designed to promote public health

Activities include electronic, broadcast, print advertising and promotion, internet, school and community activities

Strategies should be geared to changing social norms and improving community understanding and acceptance of the need to integrate physical activity into everyday life.

General Population

Related actions from Route Map action plan (1.14, 1.6 iii, 1.15) – energy consumption

Using social marketing to influence social norms and empower healthier food choices.  We will extend the  'Take Life On' campaign to include a wider range of community partnerships including supermarkets and community food schemes to increase consumer awareness of the benefits of healthy eating and encourage healthier food choices through incentives such as price promotions.

supporting schools to make remaining in school for lunch more attractive to secondary school pupils through a range of innovative approaches.

Ensuring simple, direct and consistent communication of what a lower energy, less energy-dense diet is for an audience that is more likely than not to be overweight. Official guidance to the public on a healthy diet needs to provide easily understood practical advice about recommended total quantities and energy consumption, not just a healthy balance when portion sizes may be excessive.

Related actions from Route Map action plan - energy expenditure (2.2, 2.7, 2.14)

Using social marketing approaches tailored appropriately to audiences depending on their current levels of activity and motivation, with particular attention on those who are especially inactive or vulnerable in other respects.

Delivering the Cycle Action Plan for Scotland. This draft plan proposes that by 2020 10% of all journeys are made by bicycle.

Applying robustly, in development plans and development management decisions, the priority order for personal travel opportunities (walking, cycling, then public transport, followed by the car and other means of motorised vehicles) as set out in Scottish Planning Policy (SPP).

Related actions from Route Map action plan - early years (3.5, 3.9)

Investing to ensure that more babies are breastfed, and for longer.

Investing in communications aimed at women of childbearing age preconception about the relationship between maternal obesity and adverse outcomes in pregnancy.