<<<<<<< .mine Health Outcomes Performance Management: Welcome
NHS Health Scotland
Outcome Indicators


Strategic Logic Model


6. Rationale for increased opportunities for physical activity and enhancing the built/natural environment.


FORESIGHT “Changes to our environment are a necessary part of any response to support behaviour change and appropriate behaviour patterns. Solutions to address the obesogenic environment include changes in transport infrastructure and urban design” [2]

NICE guidance on promoting physical activity through environmental change states that increasing physical activity levels in the population will help prevent or manage over 20 conditions and diseases including obesity.[8]

CDC identified community strategies and measurements to prevent obesity in the United States include strategies to encourage physical activity or limit sedentary activity among children and youth and strategies to create safe communities that support physical activity. [1]










======= Health Outcomes Performance Management: Welcome
NHS Health Scotland
Outcome Indicators


Strategic Logic Model


6. Rationale for increased opportunities for physical activity and enhancing the built/natural environment.


FORESIGHT “Changes to our environment are a necessary part of any response to support behaviour change and appropriate behaviour patterns. Solutions to address the obesogenic environment include changes in transport infrastructure and urban design” [2]

NICE guidance on promoting physical activity through environmental change states that increasing physical activity levels in the population will help prevent or manage over 20 conditions and diseases including obesity.[8]

CDC identified community strategies and measurements to prevent obesity in the United States include strategies to encourage physical activity or limit sedentary activity among children and youth and strategies to create safe communities that support physical activity. [1]










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