NHS Health Scotland
Outcome Indicators
4.9 Anti-discrimination and stigma activities and legislation should address the needs of populations in the six equality strands (including those with mental health problems), people living in areas of deprivation and people with mental health problems and should be targeted across the whole population.

There is evidence that discrimination on the grounds of race, gender, religion, disability, age and sexuality is associated with mental health problems.[1]

Stigma is pervasive throughout society, and exacerbates mental health problems through discrimination at home, at work, in social life and in terms access to services and resources.[2]


  1. Parkinson J (2007). Establishing a core set of national, sustainable mental health indicators for adults in Scotland: Final report. NHS Health Scotland:

  2. Foresight Mental Capital and Wellbeing Project (2008). Final Report. The Government Office for Science, London.