NHS Health Scotland
Outcome Indicators
4.6 Inclusive health and social services will act to reduce social exclusion.

Drawing on a review of literature and research as well as consultations and field studies Mental Health and Social Exclusion, a report by the Social Exclusion Unit, sets out a number of actions for health and social services to increase social inclusion including supported employment, transferring day services to community resources, advice on employment and social issues through primary care, strengthening training on vocational and social issues for health and social care professionals, tackling inequalities in access to health services, promoting greater uptake of Direct Payments and work between the criminal justice system and mental health.[1]


  1. Social Inclusion Report (2004). Mental Health and Social Exclusion: Social Exclusion Unit Report. HMSO: London.

Scottish Policy Context

With Inclusion in Mind notes that health and social care services have a role in supporting all aspects of social inclusion, by working with universal services and individuals to promote rather than hinder opportunities.