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Publication name: Identifying the barriers and facilitators to using the Outcomes Framework for Mental Health Improvement
Date: 13 April 2012
Description: The Outcomes Framework for Mental Health Improvement was launched by NHS Health Scotland in September 2010. The primary aim was to help local policy makers and planners to be more outcomes focused and evidence based in the planning and delivery of mental health improvement services and activity.

In December 2011 a qualitative research project was commissioned to help identify the barriers and facilitators to using the Outcomes Framework for Mental Health Improvement and what NHS Health Scotland can do to minimise barriers and maximise facilitators.

The research audience was a range of Health Board, Local Authority and Voluntary Sector strategic managers who had a role in mental health improvement planning in their area. Four Health Board areas were visited. The areas were selected because they were at different stages in using the Outcomes Framework. A total of 13 in-depth interviews were carried out during January and February 2012.

The four areas differed with regards to the extent to which the Outcomes Framework for Mental Health Improvement was being used as a planning tool.
However, overall the Outcomes Framework was felt to help partners clarify potential pathways to improving mental health and galvanised local partners by demonstrating the influence their work has on long-term outcomes.

Based on the barriers and facilitators identified, the report makes recommendations for both strategic and practical level support from NHS Health Scotland to help with further adoption of the Outcomes Framework as a planning tool.
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