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Publication name: Health Improvement Performance Management Engagement Event Glasgow 22-23 June 2009 - Summary Event Report
Date: 22 June 2009
Description: To support partners making the journey towards outcomes-focused performance management, NHS Health Scotland invited colleagues from across Scotland to the Health Improvement Performance Management (HIPM) Engagement Event in Glasgow. This took take place over one full day on the 22nd June 2009 and one half day on the morning of the 23rd June. Eighty delegates from across the NHS, local authorities, community planning partnerships, national agencies and community and voluntary sector organisations attended.

The programme incorporated a series of relevant presentations together with four workshops which ran concurrently during the afternoon of the first day and were repeated the following morning.

Main objectives:
• To set the national context for outcome focused planning and capacity building support for SOAs
• To introduce health improvement tools for developing outcomes-based approaches to planning and performance management
• To assess the usefulness of the outcomes tools through dialogue with operational and senior managers from partner organisations
• To improve understanding and explore key challenges and opportunities in applying the tools and processes at the local level
• To identify potential improvements at the local level to increase the utility of the tools for planning, performance management and reporting
• Inform the on-going capacity building programme for outcome focused planning and performance.
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