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Publication name: Process evaluation of the implementation of the Scottish Antenatal Parent Education Pack across NHS Health Boards
Date: 23 February 2016
Description: Report 1: Process evaluation of the implementation of the Scottish Antenatal Parent Education Pack across NHS Health Boards
This report is the final part of the evaluation of the Scottish Antenatal Education Pack. The Scottish Antenatal Education Pack was launched in 2011 and aims to deliver consistent, evidence-based parenting information to all pregnant women and their partners that respects and reflects their individual needs and to improve maternal and infant health both during pregnancy and the postnatal period.

In 2015 NHS Health Scotland commissioned ScotCen Social Research, an independent research organisation to undertake a process evaluation of the implementation of the Scottish Antenatal Parent Education Pack across the 14 local NHS Health Boards.

This qualitative study wished to explore, based on the views of staff how antenatal parent education was delivered to meet the needs of, and ensure services are accessible to, those who are more vulnerable during pregnancy (for the purposes of this study, these were defined as teenage parents under 20, parents from ethnic minority backgrounds and parents living in areas of deprivation).

The research audience for this study were Heads of Midwifery, Parent Education Coordinators or Community Midwifery Managers and professionals who deliver parent education (e.g. midwives). A total of 79 in-depth individual interviews were carried out between June and October 2015.
Included within this final report are implications for policy and practice at a national and local level to enhance the implementation and delivery of the Scottish Antenatal Education Pack.

Report 2: Tables showing antenatal and immediate postnatal education across the 14 NHS Boards in Scotland.
This report forms a part of the evaluation of the Scottish Antenatal Education Pack (Report 1: Process evaluation of the implementation of the Scottish Antenatal Parent Education Pack across NHS Health Boards). This report presents a summary of the antenatal and immediate postnatal education available across the 14 NHS Health Boards who took part in the qualitative research.
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