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Publication name: Evaluation of the Child Healthy Weight Programme: Final Report
Date: 27 November 2013
Description: An evaluation of the Child Healthy Weight Programme.

The Child Healthy Weight (CHW) programme in Scotland is a response to growing concerns about obesity levels among children and young people. Underpinned by a Scottish Government HEAT target, the second phase of the programme (April 2011-March 2014) encourages NHS Health Boards to complete a total of 14,910 child healthy weight interventions.

To meet this target Health Boards have been delivering the programme using one or a combination of types of intervention: school-based interventions delivered to whole classes of children; group and one-to-one interventions delivered to children and parents where the child has been identified as overweight or obese.

Drawing on interviews with children, parents and staff who participated in the programme, together with an analysis of routinely collected quantitative data, the evaluation had three aims: to describe how the programme was being implemented; to understand the views and experiences of children and their families; and to generate an understanding of potential impacts.

Although the programme has been predominantly delivered through schools, the evaluation found a considerable degree of variation in the ways all three types of intervention were delivered.
Children and parents were generally positive about taking part in the programme, which was perceived to have contributed to increases in knowledge about healthy eating and physical activity as well as improving the self-esteem of some children.

Although the quantitative data suggest that, on average, children’s BMI decreased slightly over the intervention period, this cannot be definitively attributed to the programme.
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