NHS Health Scotland
Outcome Indicators
Long term outcomes
16. Increased availability of, referrals to, demand for and uptake of smoking cessation services






Investment in Smoking cessation Services

Smokers primarily in target groups (deprived groups, young people, pregnant women)



AmberAllocation letters to health boards and corresponding figures of funds allocated.

No. smoking cessation services provided



ISD Scotland smoking cessation database

AmberNumber of smoking cessation services are recorded in the Scotland Minimum Dataset. Current data has fields for type of intervention (group, one to one, pharmacy, buddy etc).

Number of calls to telephone helpline





% of smokers who have used Smoking cessation Service

Service users (former, current and relapsed smokers)


ISD Scotland smoking cessation database

GreenNumber of smokers who have used smoking cessation service (intensive support) can be expressed as rates in terms of proportions of smokers using Scottish Household Survey statistics on smoking rates.

% of referrals to smoking cessation Services



Health boards

AmberItem may be very difficult to ascertain. Data may be available from each stop smoking adviser or could be collated by the NHS Board Smoking Cessation Co-ordinator

Uptake of smoking cessation services


Scotland; Regional

ISD Scotland  Database

GreenScotland monitoring; number of quit dates being set.

No. young people using smoking cessation services

Young smokers

Scotland; Regional

ISD Scotland  Database

AmberISD database records age, published (Scotland) breakdown for < 16, 16-17 and 18-24.