NHS Health Scotland
Alcohol outcome indicators

Services:Alcohol and drugs prevention, treatment and support services are high quality, continually improving, efficient, evidence-based and responsive, ensuring people move through treatment into sustained recovery.



Number of screenings ( using a validated screening tool) for alcohol use disorders delivered and the percentage screening positive with the breakdown of i)% eligible for ABI and ii)% eligible for referral to treatment services.

Health Boards

Frequency : annual

Number of alcohol brief interventions delivered in accordance with HEAT Standard guidance.

Health Boards

Frequency : annual

Percentage of clients waiting more than 3 weeks between referral to a specialist drug and alcohol service and commencement of treatment.

Drugs and alcohol waiting times database, Information Services Division (ISD)

Frequency : quarterly

Number of treatments drug service clients receive at 3 month and 12 month follow-up (and annually after that).

Scottish Drug Missuse Database (SMR- 25b), ISD

Frequency : annual



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