NHS Health Scotland
Alcohol outcome indicators


Recovery: Individuals are improving their health, well-being and life-chances by recovering from problematic drug and alcohol use.



Percentage reduction in daily drugs spend during treatment.

Service Submissions to Scottish Drug Misuse Database (SMR -25b), Information Services Division (ISD)

Frequency: annual

Reduction in the percentage of clients injecting in the last month during treatment.

Service Submissions to Scottish Drug Misuse Database (SMR -25b), ISD

Frequency: annual

Proportion of clients who abstain from illicit drugs between initial assessment and 12 week follow-up

Scottish Drug Misuse Database (SMR -25b), ISD

Frequency: annual

Proportion of clients receiving drugs treatment experiencing improvements in employment / education profile during treatment.

Scottish Drug Misuse Database (SMR -25b), ISD

Frequency: annual

The Scottish Government Recovery Outcomes Web tool to support measurement of service user recovery is available on the Social Services Knowledge Scotland (SSKS) website here: http://www.ssks.org.uk/topics/drugs-and-alcohol/recovery-outcomes.aspx


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