NHS Health Scotland
Alcohol outcome indicators


Prevalence:Fewer adults and children and drinking or using drugs at levels or in patterns that are damaging to themselves and others.



Estimated prevalence of Problem Drug Use amongst 15-64 year olds in Scotland, by age group

Estimating the National and Local Prevalence of problem drug misuse in Scotland report, Information Services Division (ISD)

Frequency: 3 years approx

Estimated prevalence of injecting drug use amongst 15-64 year olds in Scotland.

Estimating the National and Local Prevalence of problem drug misuse in Scotland report, ISD

Frequency: 3 years approx

Percentage of 15 year old pupils who usually take illicit drugs at least once a month ( areas with larger prevalence)

Scottish Schools Adolescent Lifestyle and Substance Use Survey (SALSUS), ISD


Frequency: 2 years

Percentage of 15 year old pupils who have taken an illicit drug in the last year (areas with lower prevalence).


Frequency: 2 years

The proportion of individuals drinking above twice daily recommended limits.

Scottish Health Survey

Frequency: annual

Proportion of individuals who are alcohol dependent

Scottish Health Survey CAGE questionnaire (screening tool used to identify potential alcohol dependence.

Frequency: annual

Proportion of 15 year olds drinking on a weekly basis; (and their mean weekly level of consumption).


Frequency: 2 years



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