NHS Health Scotland
Outcome Indicators

b. Evidence for sharing of appropriate information between agencies


There is no evidence of effective interventions currently available from the defined sources.

Scottish policy note

Sharing of appropriate information between agencies in relation to those affected by parental substance misuse has been addressed over the past 6 years through the policy documents:

  • ‘Getting our Priorities Right: Good Practice Guidance for working with Children and Families affected by Substance Misuse’ (2003),
  • ‘Hidden Harm: Responding to the Needs of Children of Problem Drug Users’ (2003),
  • ‘Hidden Harm: Scottish Executive Response’ (2004) and
  • ‘Hidden Harm: Next Steps’ (2006).

Moreover, sharing of appropriate information between agencies in relation to those affected by parental substance misuse has been specifically cited as a priority area in the recent alcohol policy framework; ‘Changing Scotland's Relationship with Alcohol: A Framework for Action’ (2009) and also highlighted in the new drugs strategy, ‘The Road to Recovery’ (2008). The drugs strategy outlines actions to improve identification, assessment, recording and planning, and information sharing; to build the capacity, availability and quality of support services; and to strengthen the consistency and effectiveness of immediate risk management. A Project Board has been convened to drive forward progress on this agenda, involving relevant Scottish Government and COSLA officials and third sector service delivery organisations and in addition drawing on the skills of individual experts in the sector.