NHS Health Scotland
Outcome Indicators


7a:Promotion of Active Travel/Active workplaces

Logic models had already been developed NHS Health Scotland and Greenspace to support outcome-focused approaches for physical activity.

Health Scotland physical activity models

Greenspace Physical Activity outcome-foussed approaches

Related actions from Route Map action plan- energy expenditure (2.2, 2.4, 2.14, 2.15)

Delivering the Cycle Action Plan for Scotland.  This plan sets a target that, by 2020, 10% of all journeys are made by bicycle

Ensuring that in all our actions responding to the National Indicator (4) to reduce the proportion of driver journeys delayed due to traffic congestion we are promoting active travel, not creating incentives for greater personal car use for short and local journeys

Implementing widely the lessons learned from the Smarter Choices Smarter Places active travel demonstration towns about which interventions, including both incentives for active travel and disincentives for car use, are most effective in achieving greater uptake of travel options, particularly by the least active groups.

Publicising the availability and benefits of local pedestrian and cycle routes and improving signage to popular destinations

Related actions from Route Map action plan- workplace(4.7, 4.8, 4.9, 4.10)

Encouraging all public sector organisations to set an example to other landowners by using their estate to support greater activity by signposting walks and cycle routes

Encouraging employers to support their workforce to adopt more active means of travelling to and from work as a contributory element to an individuals levels of physical activity

Supporting Paths for All to increase coverage of their workplace walking programme

Encouraging businesses to support their employees to participate in Active Nation: A Games Legacy for Scotland.