<<<<<<< .mine Health Outcomes Performance Management: Welcome
NHS Health Scotland
Outcome Indicators


r. Identification and appropriate referral/advice or self-management.


Health-care providers, especially for primary health care, but also other services can play part in prevention [5]

Provide routine enquiries by health professionals and other providers [3].

Support and promote behavioural change programmes along with tailored advice and discuss the range of weight management options with people who want to lose or maintain their weight [3]

People wishing to lose/maintain weight loss.

Related actions from Route Map action plan
None identified




======= Health Outcomes Performance Management: Welcome
NHS Health Scotland
Outcome Indicators


r. Identification and appropriate referral/advice or self-management.


Health-care providers, especially for primary health care, but also other services can play part in prevention [5]

Provide routine enquiries by health professionals and other providers [3].

Support and promote behavioural change programmes along with tailored advice and discuss the range of weight management options with people who want to lose or maintain their weight [3]

People wishing to lose/maintain weight loss.

Related actions from Route Map action plan
None identified




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