<<<<<<< .mine Health Outcomes Performance Management: Welcome
NHS Health Scotland
Outcome Indicators


Strategic Logic Model


4. Rationale for increasing awareness, knowledge, skills and empowerment.


Foresight suggests that “prevention of obesity in the future will require significant behaviour change at all levels, from organisations that have an influence on individual behaviour to individuals themselves…Interventions that go beyond information campaigns to simultaneously inform, shift motivation and provide the necessary skills are more likely to lead to behaviour change” [2]










======= Health Outcomes Performance Management: Welcome
NHS Health Scotland
Outcome Indicators


Strategic Logic Model


4. Rationale for increasing awareness, knowledge, skills and empowerment.


Foresight suggests that “prevention of obesity in the future will require significant behaviour change at all levels, from organisations that have an influence on individual behaviour to individuals themselves…Interventions that go beyond information campaigns to simultaneously inform, shift motivation and provide the necessary skills are more likely to lead to behaviour change” [2]










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